The rot in private colleges

A Report by a Whistle Blower

Someone said, and I quote, that our education system is slowly but surely dying yearly.
This observation is just the tip of the iceberg. Without closely analysing the shenanigans playing out in conventional schools, it is the new educational player I want to focus on today and this is the private school.

Having had a short spell in this type of institution, my eyes were opened to numerous cases of manipulation, heinous labor practices, and despicable cheating perpetrated under the very nose of the supervising ministry.

My heart bleeds for the learners that are not receiving quality education as prescribed by the relevant ministry.

As an educationist myself, I realised that most of the so-called directors of the private colleges do not have an iota of educational objectives but harbor only mercenary interests for their involvement. Most of the funds garnered in this venture are directed to the director’s lavish lifestyle at the expense of resource provision and relevant equipment.

One of the greatest victims of this grand scam are the hapless teachers who are manipulated and overworked for slave wages. This results in a high turnover of teachers at such institutions further exacerbating the learning environment of the children attending such institutions

Above all else, there is rampant exam cheating in these institutions. Somehow, the colleges have access to exam papers in such areas as Maths, Science, and English together with the marking schemes.

Candidates are then called to attend all-night exam practices where they learn to rote the answers to the exam. This is all done in the name of scoring high pass percentages in order to attract more candidates.

The ministry may not know the level of cheating occurring but can be advised to visit these nefarious organisations on the night before the major papers to see for themselves.

Is it true that the education system is dying? That is for you to decide. For me, a learner who has an A in Maths but cannot solve a simple Mathematical equation is like sand shaped and topped with cream to appear like a cake. Think for yourself.

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